Our Products

As a central global trading hub for the JULONG GROUP, Singapore Julong offers the market standard with very competitive price on all palm related products, export will be basis at Indonesian's port. Singapore Julong has a wide range of regular customers, across all regions. Our confidence comes from satisfied customers.

Indonesian CPO

  • FFA 5.00% max
  • M & I 0.50% max

RBD Palm Olein (RBD PL)

PORAM standard

  • FFA 0.10% max
  • M & I 0.10% max
  • Iodine Value 56 min
  • M.Pt 24 Deg C mac
  • Colour 3 Red max

RBD Palm Oil (RBD PO)

PORAM standard

  • FFA 0.10% max
  • M & I 0.10% max
  • Iodine Value 50-65
  • M Pt 33-39 Deg C
  • Colour 3 Red max

RBD Palm Stearin (RBD PS)

PORAM standard

  • FFA 0.20% max
  • M & I 0.15% max
  • Iodine Value 48 max
  • M. Pt 44 Deg C min
  • Colour 3 Red max

Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD)

PORAM standard

  • Saponifiable Fatty Matter 95% min
  • M & I 1.00% max
  • FFA 70% min

Palm Acid Oil (PAO)

PORAM standard

  • Total Fatty Matter 95% min
  • M & I 3% max
  • FFA 50% min

Crude Palm Olein (CPL)

PORAM standard

  • FFA 5.00% max
  • M & I 0.25% max
  • Iodine Value 56 min
  • M. Pt 24 Deg C max

Crude Palm Stearin (CPS)

PORAM standard

  • FFA 5.00% max
  • M & I 0.25% max
  • Iodine Value 48 max
  • M. Pt 44 Deg C min

Customised Palm Products ...